
Who Is Upper Class Or Lower Class?

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The concept of party identification is believed to be developed at an early age, whether through parental influence, media influence, or personal choice, it is mainly shaped by outside influences continuing through adulthood. Researchers have concluded that often time’s adults identify with the same party their parents identified with. Thus, creating a trickling effect among generations, in which families as a whole identify themselves with the same party. The term “class” has a sense of ambiguity associated with it, and with good reason. What determines whether someone is upper class or lower class? Is it strictly associated with income levels? Does the issue of class and white Americans vary from region to region? Is class the most important factor in politics or do other factors have a more bearing influence on voter preference and identification? “Class is relative status according to income, wealth, power and/or position” (Jenson 4). Economic class is one aspect in society that is emphasized very much especially in the US. Where one lives, where one works, what one owns all reflect ones economic class in some way. Income and wealth are both on spectrums, and most of us move a little up or down the spectrums during our lifetimes. Some people grow up in one class and live as adults in another. “For immigrants, there 's another layer of confusion, as their class status in their country of origin is often different from their class status in the U.S” (Jenson 5). The

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