
Who Is To Blame In Macbeth

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The fictional character Harvey Dent once said, “You either die a hero, or live long enough to become the villain”. During the play, Macbeth viewers are shocked with the bloody and unpredictable, twist and turns of the Macbeth’s rise to power. Macbeth went from a loyal Thane, to stabbing his king to death, he then hired assassins to brutally murder his best friend and child, but worst of all, He had Macduff’s innocent wife, and child slaughtered out of spite. By committing these murders, Macbeth is slowly becoming insane.
First of all, Macbeth is convinced by his wife to kill King Duncan so that Macbeth can become King of Scotland. Soon after this, we are able to witness Macbeth's insanity begin to consume him. In Act 2. Scene 1 line 50 Macbeth claims he is able to see, “a dagger of the mind, a false creation” He simply blames this on “Proceeding from the heat-oppressed brain”-Line 51 and before he commits the murder. The viewers are left to believe that this is his conscience warning him, trying to convince him not to go through with this evil deed, but in reality, …show more content…

During act three, the viewers witness how Macbeth is starting to take bold risks and entrusts his murderous intents with that of strangers. This is a massive turning point in the play because Macbeth is beginning to become careless; he is becoming so paranoid that he isn’t making rational decisions anymore. Soon after, Macbeth is informed of Banquo's murder, and Fleeance’s escape, we are then able to witness the full-blown might of Macbeth’s insanity. Macbeth begins to howl like a frightened dog, afraid to look upon Banquo’s ghost realizing the cost of his actions. Macbeth has let the madness overtaken him completely. Consumed by fear and wicked thoughts, Macbeth starts to relieve his true colours to his Scottish Lords, and they are very

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