
What Is Wells Fargo Unethical

Decent Essays

Synopsis: The environment of which we will review it a financial services firm, Wells Fargo & Company. The situation involves the most recent headline where Wells Fargo & Company. The individuals involved are the financial advisors as well as Wells Fargo & Company. Morgan Stanley is a full service bank that provides service to 3.5 million clients (Zacks, 2016). The company established new incentives for selling credit cards and savings accounts to boost client engagement, and ultimately the bottom line of Morgan Stanley. Analysis: The second largest United States financial firm, Wells Fargo was accused of having dishonest business practices. The company was fined for putting pressure on its investment brokers to sell loans to their clients (Zacks, 2016). This type of business is dishonest as well as unethical for any business. Morgan Stanley’s approach was to have internal sales contests and provided cash incentives worth up to $5,000 for selling securities bases loans (Zacks, 2016). This type of loan is an asset based loan which allows the investor to borrow cash against their securities. As many as 30 advisors took into the practice internally and the company reached $24 million in new loan assets (Zacks, 2016).
This accusation came just a few weeks after Wells Fargo was charged $185 million for establishing fake accounts (Reuters, 2016). …show more content…

The company has been present within the media though, which does provide some ease to its investors. Wells Fargo provides a section of their website dedicated to explaining the how, why, and what they plan to do next to regain the trust of investors. After undergoing a huge breach within a company, being present within the media is crucial. Wells Fargo & Company understands the seriousness of the situations and is serious about making sure unethical activities of this nature do not repeat

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