
What Is The Similarities Between O Brother Where Art Thou And The Odyssey

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O Brother, Where Art Thou vs The Odyssey
Most people have fixed concept that modern day films and Medieval Greek Epic poems differ a lot as if they are black and white, but the film O Brother, Where Art Thou and the story of The Odyssey are both parallel and perpendicular. O Brother, Where Art Thou and The Odyssey portray their story on the same path, yet on the branched path.
The first part of my analysis will examine about Odysseus and Ulysses Everett’s quest. Though their purpose for their quest is different, this highlights the fact that their quest is the same, which is to go back to their home. Further evidence for Odysseus to go back to Ithaca is that he has his wife waiting for him back in Ithaca while Everett has to preclude his wife from getting remarried. Considered from another perspective, Odysseus and Everett are both confident. This conclusion is developed in response to the way they acted. Odysseus is overly confident that he meddles with all the events he faces. But at the same time, Everett is also excessively that …show more content…

Specifically, they both encounter with obstacles. Further, they both gets to encounter with Baptist. In the story of The Odyssey, Odysseus’ crews get their soul cleaned. It may seem odd that scene of encountering with Baptist appears in O Brother, Where Art Thou, but Delmar and Pete actually get their soul cleaned, too. Bearing this in mind, the characters of both stories encounter with Sirens as well. With respect to encountering with the Sirens, both characters heard the sound of Sirens singing and got attracted by them. To view this in different way, it also means that Sirens acted as temptress in both stories. Similar to this incident, they also encountered with Big Dan, who came out as Cyclops in the film. It is worth noting that Sirens and Big Dan appeared as human in the film while they appeared as unrealistic characters in The

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