
What Are The Advantages Of Internal Recruitment

Better Essays


Human resource palys a key role in establishing a relation between the company and its employees .And recruitment serves as one of the first contact an employee have with the organisation. Recruitments means hiring by attracting, selecting and appointing individuals for a job. It is a systematic process carried out by mainly the human resource department of a company or any organisation. This process involves job analysis, sourcing, screening and selection. These are the basic four steps required in any type of recruitment- be it internal or external. Job analysis means detailed study of the job and how it should be done effectively to benefit the organisation or a company. So, Job analysis consists of Job description and job specification. Job analysis assists HR in determining necessity of the jobs, skills needed, equipments …show more content…

• Morale: internal recruitments make their employees feel that the company values their hard work and rewarding them by giving promotions. Hence, there is a sense of achievements on the staff morale. It has a positive effect on the staff morale too. As a result employee performance improves.

• Cost: It is a cheaper and quicker process to recruit. It is less expensive to the company than recruiting employees outside of the company. Through internal recruitment company successfully avoids the expenses required for putting up the advertisements on the newspapers. In case of internal recruitments they only needs to circulate the vacancies through company bulletin board. This process also saves time.

• Competition: Internal recruitments offer incentive and promotion to the recruited employees. As a result a healthy completion develops which in turn helps to optimize their abilities. They tend to push the boundaries to get the work done. Employees become more focused. It motivates the employees to work better

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