
What Are The 5-10 Things That You Feel Fulfilled In Your Work

Satisfactory Essays

Use these 7 questions to guide your thoughts.
1.What are the 5-10 things you most enjoy doing? Be honest. These are the ten things without which your weeks, months, and years would feel incomplete.
Family gatherings, the outdoors, alone thinking time, spending time with my girlfriend, run, learning, clocking out at work.
2. What 3 things must you do every single day to feel fulfilled in your work? personal alone time, run,
3. What are your 5 most important values? (Refer to the Rokeach Value Survey)
TV: 1) true friendship 2)mature love 3) pleasure 4) inner harmony 5) A comfortable life
IV: 1) Ambitious 2) loved 3) loyal 4)honest 5)capable
4. Your life has a number of important dimensions, all of which deserve some attention in your personal vision statement. Write one important goal for each of them:
a. physical - I want to be physically active till I die, I wanna run at 90 years old.
b. …show more content…

What strengths have other people commented on about you and your accomplishments? What strengths do you see in yourself?
People have told me I'm dedicated and a hard worker. I feel my strengths are im very good at strategizing and understanding my personal abilities. Hard work isn't a strength to me it is an option you have. I feel I also a good work ethic. I watched a motivation video where will smith said: “with my sickening work ethic you will never outwork me.” I want to have the ability to work the way I do and prove to people how capability I truly am and to not judge me from the outside, get to know me then judge me.
7.What weaknesses have other people commented on about you and what do you believe are your weaknesses?
My family and some friends say I have a weakness in I hold onto grudges and don't forgive people for things they have done. I do feel this is a weakness I do have for some reasons I'm trying to fix. I also have a weakness that I am very organized and live a life oh most as a checklist. I also look into the future a lot and don't live in the

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