
Video Summary: Health, Money, And Fear

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Summary Health, Money, & Fear is a video about healthcare in America, and how millions of Americans do not have healthcare because of the cost. The video interviews several doctors on their views of healthcare and how America has come to have such bad healthcare practices. The drug industry is mentioned and how drug companies impact the rising cost of healthcare in America. Insurance companies are explained and the ways insurance companies determine who they will insure and who they will not. Towards the end of the video, the doctors give a message to Congress stating what the congressmen and women need to do in order to help save healthcare from deteriorating more than it has been for decades. In the beginning of the video, the doctors …show more content…

This results in people not being able to receive the necessary healthcare, especially since majority of tests done a person are not needed. Many of the times when doctors order tests to be run, they are aware that the test is unnecessary but they need to be sure to cover themselves in the unfortunate case of something happening. Other people are also pressuring doctors in running tests to increase their RVU, unit of billable activity per hour. If a doctors RVU is not high enough they are pressured into running more tests and seeing more patients, rather than actually helping the patient. The drug industry only amounts to approximately 12 percent of the total cost of healthcare in America. The total sales of the top five drug companies in 2005 were 222 billion dollars. Drug companies state that the reason their products are so expensive is so they can fund the research and development of the drugs; however, only 32 billion dollars were spent on research and development, 71 billion dollars on marketing, and 39 billion dollars in profit. The facts listed above are all contributing factors as to why healthcare is so expensive, but the most significant reason healthcare is expensive is due to the cost of the paperwork.

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