
Use Of Ethos Pathos And Logos In Donald Trump's Inaugural Address

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President Trump’s Rhetoric in his Inaugural Address I. The basis of all rhetoric is Logos, Ethos, and Pathos. Logos, used to insert logic into a speech; Pathos, used to add an emotional effect; and Ethos, used to convince someone of credibility and character with ethics. In President Donald Trump's inaugural speech, Logos, Ethos, and Pathos is varied but, is not always used in a strong, effective manner. First, President Trump’s use of Logos is not easily found, which doesn't help move his audience to reason. Additionally, Trump inserted several ethical statements that would hopefully move his audience to trust him during his presidency. Finally, Trump made a huge effort to add emotion (pathos) to his speech to try and persuade the citizens that he understands how they feel, but how much is too much? All three of these basic rhetorical concepts help make an effective speech but, only if they are used in the correct way. II. “When you use logos, you are persuading with logic based on evidence and your skills of reason”( In Donald Trump’s inaugural speech, logic is rarely present. Most of Donald Trump’s speech consists of vague, illogical …show more content…

American carnage.’And so on”( This wide variety of emotion throughout his speech gives his words a way to reach people of different feelings and

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