
Unidentified Foods Lab Report

Decent Essays

Testing Food for Nutrients
The purpose of this experiment was to find out the nutrient content of unidentified food samples and to use chemical reagents to see if the unidentified foods for sugar, starch, protein and fat (lipid) content. After comparing the color changes in each unknown substance then you will be able to see the amount of sugar, starch, protein or fat there is in the unknown substance.
Carbohydrates are used for energy and structural support in cell walls of plants and exoskeletons of crustaceans and insects. They are also used to make cell structures and can make a large group of chemical compounds. Carbohydrates are also made up of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. The testing solution for carbohydrates is Benedict and iodine. Next is proteins, they help bulk up all solid materials inside your body, such as your muscle, hair, skin, and inside organs. Proteins also make up some hormones which help with the chemical control in the body. They …show more content…

• Glass test tubes/rods
• Safety googles
• Burner
• Brown paper
Testing for Carbohydrates: sugar
1. Place 5 test tubes into a rack and then label them 1-5.
2. Add the unknown into their own test tube, about 20 drops.
3. Add about 5 drops of benedict into each test tube.
4. Mix each one with a glass rod and always make sure to wipe the glass rod after each use.
5. Carefully heat the test tubes in the heated bath of water for 5 minutes.
6. After carefully taking them out, observe each test tubes color and then fill Table 2 with the results. Testing for Carbohydrates: starch
1. Place 5 test tubes into a rack and then label them 1-5.
2. Add 20 drops of the unknown into the labeled tubes.
3. Then add about 1 – 2 drops of Lugol’s solution into each test

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