
Two Perspectives on Homework

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Homework, homework, everyone hates homework. People are up all night doing something that they think is such a waste of time! Well is it a waste of time? Most people think so! Infact most people think it has no effect at all! homework has had a huge impact on sleeping, time and grades. Grades k-12 have seen a dramatic change in homework. Changes that happened recently. The evidence shows that homework may not be harmful, but it sure is not helping. Most people don’t like homework. Not even teachers like it! they have to grade 150-250 pages of homework. It takes them hours to grade them. Students are up at 12:00 am doing homework. How is this fair? Well, its not. many parents in France are already boycotting the “useless” homework. "Teachers don’t realize the pressure they are putting on children," says Jean-Jacques Hazan, president of the FCPE . Some students can not do the homework due to disabilities like ADHD and ADD. It is not fair to the teachers or the students and even the parents! In The Atlantic’s October issue, Karl Taro Greenfeld writes about his experience doing all of his eighth-grade daughter’s homework for one week. Amazed by the amount of time his daughter spent on homework, and worried about the stress it caused, Greenfeld needed to know: Was hours of nightly work teaching her anything, or was it just causing needless stress? His conclusion: “Give the kids a break. Once in a while.” Homework should at least spread out amongst the days. The fact that

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