
Trauma Research Paper

Better Essays

Reflection Paper #1

I apologize, my response to this assignment will not be what you expected. For another student, this essay would be filled with “what ifs” and opinions based on medical facts or a personal moral code. This writing prompt is considered just an assignment to some; however, it’s my life. This is my own personal experience and the consequences of that trauma.
Everything about my pregnancy was different than my first. Not only did I discover I would be having a girl, I was being blessed with Identical twins. My son, Logan, was so excited to be a big brother to two “see-sees,” my husband planned on spoiling them, and I was just happy to have settled on their names. Reese and Reagan. We were such a happy family.
Due to during my first pregnancy, my …show more content…

Dr. Ford found Reese on the ultrasound and froze. Quickly, he moved to Reagan and sighed. I was too busy looking at my babies to pay attention to his facial expression. Dr. Ford just sat there staring at me. I finally realized something was wrong and asked him if everything was okay, a smile was still on my face.
Reese was gone.
Dr. Ford finally admitted that he, along with the other specialists, knew this was going to happen. I hated him, I hated them all. They knew she was going to die, but they kept it from me. I asked if he thought she had trisomy 13 and he shook his head in agreement. My daughter Reese was one out of 20,000. She was taken from me by dark force of nature, a fluke in genetic coding. My daughter was dead.
I asked Dr. Ford if he would mind calling my husband. I could barely breathe. Danny, my husband, was working and I was afraid if he heard my voice he would wreck while driving. After no response, Dr. Ford promised to try again in a few minutes. He asked me to wait there while he registered me to be admitted.
My phone rang, it was Danny. His voice was so cheerful. I hated myself because I was going to destroy

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