
To Keep Teenagers Alert Schools Let Them Sleep In Essay

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Directions: Read the article titled, “To Keep Teenagers Alert, Schools Let Them Sleep In” by Jan Hoffman. Answer the following questions AS THOROUGHLY AS POSSIBLE!

1. How many hours of sleep do you usually get each night? Do you think this is more or less than your friends?

I usually get about 8 hours of sleep each night. In my opinion, I think that this is more than my friends because some of them have more extracurricular activities than me. Those activities cause them to arrive home late, and do homework. The only extracurricular activity I have is church. This causes me to be well-rested, and think better for school. 2. Hyperbole is the use of over-exaggeration to make a point. Find and write down the quote from Jilly Dos Santos that employs hyperbole. Does this line effectively communicate her feelings about the situation she faced? Why or why not? …show more content…

I will drop out of school.” This line effectively communicates her feelings about the situation she faced because Jilly Dos Santos would wake up late, and put on makeup. By the time she arrived at school, she would miss her first bell, and not be on time. Since the school started an earlier time to the day, she was upset, but she turned her predicament into a cause of action. 3. According to the article, what are some of the advantages of a later high school start time? What are some of the disadvantages?

According to the article, some of the advantages of a later high school start time are that students will be more alert during the school day, and ready to learn. Some of the disadvantages of a later high school start time are that some athletes may miss their last bell, so that they will attend their away games, and they start their homework late. 4. According to the article, what percentage of teenagers keep a cell phone in their bedrooms? Why is it a bad idea to sleep in a room with a cell

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