
Theories Of The Social Responsibility Theory

Decent Essays

Many theories that are postmodern theories are related to reality in mediated communication than most of the modern global theories. According to Kamalipour (2006), “One of the earliest attempts to think about media internationally was a book published in the 1950s entitled Four Theories of the Press (Siebert, Peterson, & Schramm, 1956). Its authors set out to create what is sometimes called a taxonomy, which means dividing up all the various versions and aspects of a topic into systemic categories and sometimes subcategories as well. The taxonomy the authors proposed was that the world’s various versions and aspects of a topic into four categories or models: authoritarian, Soviet, liberal, and social responsibility” (p. 23).
I will be focusing on the social responsibility theory. The social responsibility theory is categorized as one of the six models known as the “normative” theories. “The social responsibility theory allows everyone to say something or express their opinion about the media. Community opinion, Consumer action and professional ethics, Serious invasion of recognized private rights and vital social interests, Private ownership in media may give better public service unless government has to take over to assure the public to provide better media service. Media must take care of social responsibility and if they do not, government or other organization will do” ( Although, the social responsibility

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