
Theme Of Corrupt Society In Fahrenheit 451

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Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451, tells the story of a firefighter named Montag. In this society, firefighters don’t put out fires. Instead, they find and burn books, which have been banned by the government. Montag goes along with the firefighter lifestyle until he meets a girl named Clarisse. She gets him wondering about books, and Montag decides to grab one from a woman's house before it is burned down. Montag realizes how important books are to humanity. He knows that what firefighters are doing is wrong, and sets out to change it. Bradbury uses this story to portray a corrupt society that he believes will come of the real world, and some of his ideas have already come true. The first way Bradbury shows a corrupt society is by sacrificing aesthetic for convenience. Captain Beatty comes to Montag’s home while he is ill. They talk about Clarisse, who has gone missing. Beatty says that she is better off dead, as she was not a conformer. After Beatty leaves, Montag remembers something that Clarisse had told him. “My uncle says the architects got rid of the front porches because they didn’t look well…. the real reason, hidden underneath, might be they didn’t want people sitting like that, doing nothing, rocking, talking; that was the wrong kind of social life” (60). The porches are removed from homes because they encourage things that the government doesn’t want. They encourage conversation, and the sharing of ideas. The government does not want people to think for themselves,

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