
The Yellow Wallpaper And The Fall Of The House Of Usher

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Throughout time women and their rights have varied among where they are living and the people that surround them. Some of the major changes with women’s rights is giving them the right to vote, reproductive rights, and the right to work for equal pay. Another thing that varies throughout time is women’s roles. For example 100 years ago the only jobs that women could have was to either be a housewife, nurse, or a teacher. Until about 1910, women didn’t really fight for their rights and what they could do. In 1910, women started to voice their opinions in society and fought for the right to vote. Though things have changed greatly today, there are still women in the world that believe in the “traditional way” and prefer to still wait on …show more content…

Another story that deals with a woman’s role in society is “The Yellow Wallpaper.” Their role is often portrayed as being controlled by men because that’s what they were in the 19th century. This story takes place in the 19th century which just goes to show that nothing really changes. “The Yellow Wallpaper” is about a woman who is basically locked away in a house by her husband due to her “psychological” problems. She isn’t allowed to leave and she only has a small window with bars across it. When she look out the window she basically creeps around in order to blend in with society. She also doesn’t want to see the other women who have to do the same thing as her because she knows that those women are a reflection of her. This just goes to show that women are to move without being seen. They have to abide by their husband’s rules or any man’s rules for that matter. Men are very superior during this time and if women don’t follow, then it most likely wouldn’t end well. The woman’s role in “The Yellow Wallpaper” is to not bother her husband and keep quiet. The world isn’t supposed to know about her condition obviously, considering she can’t leave the house. There is a reason for the narrator’s “madness” and that is partly due to the fact that she had lost her child earlier in her life. The irony about this whole thing is that the room she is locked in is an old child’s nursery. The husband

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