
The White House : National Security Council

Better Essays

DATE: 10/25/2014
Mr. President,
The world’s supply of water is in steep decline as more and more is being used each year by more and more people around the globe. Currently, 800 million people do not have access to a drinking source. At the current rate, 1.8 billion people could be living in areas of absolute water scarcity by 2025.
It is time to fully address the issue of the impending world water crisis by assisting the areas currently experiencing the crisis. Sub-Saharan Africa is the region most in need of international assistance, and a region in which we are already supplying aid. However, our current policies are not getting the …show more content…

Increased access to improved water sources and sanitation facilities is the key to bringing these countries out of poverty and into prosperity. Water is essential to life on Earth and has thus been declared a human right by the UN. The US has not yet formally acknowledged this human right, a right which, if ignored, could launch regions such as the Lake Chad Basin into a violent water war. Lake Chad is used by four countries as a water source, and has shrunk by 90% in the past 50 years due to mismanagement and climate change. It is time for the United States to do what it does best: lead.
The US can be a leader in the fight for water equality by formally declaring water a human right. The US is in a unique position, because we have already done so much to aid people in water-stressed regions. This experience will be invaluable in escalating our efforts to secure the natural human right to clean and sustainable water for our allies in Sub-Saharan Africa. We can dedicate our vast resources and capable personnel in innovative and strategic ways to this most noble of all causes to bring prosperity abroad and secure it for posterity at home.
Water may be a renewable resource, but the world’s supply of drinkable fresh water is being consumed more rapidly than ever before, and most importantly, more rapidly than it can be replenished. Only 2.5% of water on Earth is fresh

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