
Trail Of Tears Sparknotes

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Most Americans have at least some vague understanding of the Trail of Tears, but not many know about the events that led to that tragic removal of thousands of Indians from their homeland. Indian lands were held hostage by the states and the federal government. The Indians had to agree to removal to maintain their tribe identities. Trail of Tears is an excellent example of a particular situation and will be eye opening to those who are not familiar with the story of the southern tribes and their interactions with the rapidly growing American population. The Trail of Tears has become the symbol in American history that indicates the callousness, insensitivity, and cruelty of American government toward American Indians in 1839 and 1839.
The book "The Trail of Tears: The Rise and fall of the Cherokee Nation," by John Ehle displays the full history of a Native American democratic state, which is the Cherokee Nation. Like the United States, it was born in bloodshed and war, but instead of continuing to last, it grew for only a few years and then was destroyed by President Andrew Jackson and the government of the state of Georgia. Ehle includes a great deal of primary sources, such as journals, military orders, letters, etc., that serve to enrich the story.
In Trail of Tears, John Ehle introduces the people and events that led to the Trail of Tears, and the removal of the Cherokee Nation to Indian Territory. In the “Indian Territory” the Indians were promised that whites

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