
The Tragedy Of Hamlet By William Shakespeare

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William Shakespeare is an English Poet known for his famous dramatized writings. Shakespeare was born in the United Kingdom in April. Here are some of his legendary texts: “Macbeth”, “Julius Caesar”, and “Hamlet”. “The Tragedy of Hamlet” was written during the sixteenth century and was performed in 1609. Shakespeare writes this tragedy to reveal the roles of women during the Middle Ages. Back then females were referred as noblewomen and were expected to do the following: run households, take care of children, and aid her husband with finances of the estate. Moreover, Shakespeare develops Hamlet to expose women with his harsh judgements and stereotypes. Gertrude and Ophelia are restricted from their rights and are conducted by the men that …show more content…

Continuously, her son, Hamlet bashes her with hurtful comments by calling her “virtue [a] hypocrite”. The Queen purposely uses his Uncle Claudius to reserve her status in society. Hamlet affirms her “bloody deed” as an “that blurs the grace and blush of modesty”(Act III, scene IV). Gertrude dismisses the idea of modesty as a queen. She has no dignity due to her desire for power and status. Wallenfels argues that Gertrude’s tone in this act is defensive and obstinate despite Hamlet’s lengthy speech. She confronts Hamlet by saying“What have I done, that thou darest wag thy tongue in noise so rude against me?”(Act III, scene IV, line 38-39).
Hamlet is provoking and questioning her actions as if she were a child; however, Gertrude shows no empowerment in this discussion and she is controlled by Hamlet’s words. For instance, the Queen warns her son “Speak no more”/these words like dagger enter in my ears”(Act III, scene IV, lines 95-96). Evidently, Gertrude compares her son’s destructible words like daggers. These words slash her heart and ears because of her guilty conscious. She is emotionally and verbally damaged by “Sweet Hamlet’s” insanity. In Wallenfel’s article, she uses this concept of Confession Genre. Confession genre is usually seen in literary works to reveal the character’s darkest secrets and desires. With that in mind,

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