
The Tragedy Of Hamlet By William Shakespeare

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Why has Hamlet’s rage led him to a death that was destined to happen? Simple, his absolute motive was to seek revenge for the death of his father, who was once the King of Denmark. In this tragedy, Hamlet wanted to put on this image of an insane man. This would mislead the people around him from his intentions of killing King Claudius, who is strangely his uncle and “father” simultaneously. Claudius takes the throne for Denmark after pouring poison down King Hamlet’s ear without leaving any evidence behind. With this given information, the play begins with an apparition making appearances at the ramparts of the Elsinore Castle of Denmark. Readers soon discover that the ghost resembling figure is in fact Prince Hamlet’s father. As The Tragedy of Hamlet unfolds, William Shakespeare provides imagery through strong and complex dialogue. Shakespeare allowed Hamlet to lose himself in his own madness to create foreshadowing and confounding plots. When Prince Hamlet is first introduced in the play, he is in a gloomy mental state. He does not tolerate the gathering King Claudius had put together to discuss his recent marriage and the death of Hamlet’s father. In addition, Hamlet is the only person dressed from head to toe in black at this event. The representation of his clothing is to show his mourning and sadness for his father. When young Hamlet is left alone, he expresses words of hatred and sorrow. “O, that this too too solid flesh would melt, thaw, and resolve itself into a

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