
The Tale Of Fairy Tales

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Fairy Tales were use as children’s bedtime stories and at often times it teaches a lesson. Many of these tales were originally passed down orally and it was popular among the peasants. Only recently, a couple hundred years ago, has these tales been written down because back in the days many people were illiterate. Even though the adults maybe reading the stories to the child, the child often alters it. That’s why there’s so many different version of the same stories. In most Fairy Tales the villains were either dismissed or die in some horrible death while the “good guys” be victorious. This theme occurs in Fairy Tales like Cinderella, Beauty and the Beast, Snow White, Red Ridding Hood, and Hansel and Gretel. These ending in a way teaches the children a lesson. In the Cinderella stories, the stepsisters unlike the Disney version, were strike with ill fates. In the Brother Grimm’s version, Cinderella’s real mother said, “Dear child, if you are good and say you prayers, our dear Lord will always be with you, and shall look down on you from heaven and always be with you (117).” When Cinderella followed her mother’s words the animals around her help her out during her times of need, which allow her to meet her prince eventually. But her stepsisters along with the stepmother did not follow those rules, instead they fill themselves with jealousy and evil deeds, which lead to their down fall. Around the time when this version of Cinderella was created it was a highly religious

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