
The Spread Of Christianity In The Roman Empire

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Thesis: The two main causes that led to the spread of Christianity throughout the Roman Empire were Constantine’s conversion and the morals of Christianity.

Christianity is a monotheistic religion, meaning the belief on one God. The founder of the religion was Jesus Christ and their sacred scripture is the Bible. Sins are an evil deed that defiles a person. Examples of sins are murder,greed, adultery, sexual immorality, deceit and malice. The main core value of being a good Christian is not to commit sins and follow God’s word. If a person does this, on Judgement day, the person will go to Heaven as a reward. If the person does the opposite, then they will go to Hell as a second punishment.

One main factor that led to Christianity to spread …show more content…

In Christianity, as mentioned before, to be a good Christian, a person must not commit sins such as murder, adultery and sexual immorality. This made the people in the Roman Empire recognize that Christian morals could actually give them hope and are actually righteous, making more people convert to the religion. One example of a moral in Christianity is in “ New Testament: Luke 10:25-40”, it states, “Similarly, a Levite[important religious leader]when he arrived at the place, came and looked and passed by on the other side. But a certain Samaritan[person from a group that was not respected] as he journeyed, came where he was. And when he saw him, he had compassion.” This piece of evidence from the Bible shows one part of being Christian is to be kind to others no matter what. Most people in the Roman Empire believed in this moral and started to practice the religion. Another example of a Christian moral is in the article, “The Rise of Christianity” by Rodney Stark. In this article, it says, “The ancient Roman world was not kind to women and children. Married men would sleep with other women(especially slaves and prostitutes), and the unwanted offspring of these unions were usually aborted or simply left to die from exposure after birth.” These circumstances in the Roman Empire made people, especially women, realize they wanted to follow the Christian practice because of its morals. They felt that Christianity was an escape for them, so more and more people converted and spread Christianity through the Roman

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