
The Root Cause Of The Civil War

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Slavery, as Abraham Lincoln often noted, was the root cause of the Civil War. Tensions over slavery dated back to the contradictory nature of the American Revolution of 1776 that resulted in a republic simultaneously committed to freedom for whites and bondage for blacks (Barney W., p. 61). Within years North and South reached the point at which compromise was not possible. At that time Civil War had been started.

In this paper we would analyze the causes of the Civil War and advocate the thesis that slavery was the cause of the Civil War.

As we already noted – in the 1800s expediency of slavery was disputed. While industrial North almost abandoned bondage, by the early 19th century, slavery was almost exclusively confined to the South, home to more than 90 percent of American blacks (Barney W., p. 61). Agrarian South needed free labor force in order to stimulate economic growth. In particular, whites exploited blacks in textile production. This conditioned the differences in economic and social development of the North and South, and opposing viewpoints on the social structure. “Northerners now saw slavery as a barbaric relic from the past, a barrier to secular and Christian progress that contradicted the ideals of the Declaration of Independence and degraded the free-labor aspirations of Northern society” (Barney W., p. 63).

In 1830s some faithful activists like W. Garrison, Tappan brothers, T. Weld and others have made several publications advocating antislavery movement and claiming that slavery is a major sin. They give birth to the movement of abolitionism and win over many white Americans to their camp.

Main goal of the early abolitionists was to create a better society through reforms and they engaged in a battle to convince their fellow Americans that it was morally wrong to keep other humans in bondage. In order to realize a better and more righteous republic, they believed, the institution of slavery had to be rejected (Harpen R., Dal Lago E., p. 296). Many abolitionists appealed to abolish slavery immediately as they believed all people should be equal in rights. The abolitionists demanded immediate emancipation without payment to slaveowners. Rather than accepting the dominant white view of

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