
The Role Play Mediation Focused On Identifying The Issues, Creating Options And Reaching An Agreement

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The role play mediation focused on identifying the issues, creating options and reaching an agreement based upon the information brought forward by the two disputing parties. The issue between the parties was due to one of the parties being constantly interrupted by the other parties’ noise and as a result, was unable to finish her manuscript. Using a facilitative model of mediation, the mediator was able to assist the parties to come to an agreement that worked for both of them. A facilitative mediation incorporates the needs and interests of the parties, to arrive at an outcome that both parties are happy with. As a result, the parties settled on an agreement that allowed both to continue with their activities, but with certain conditions. The conditions allowed each individual to continue with their actions as long as they followed the schedule created, until the soundproofing was installed at a later date.

During the mediation, there were three main themes that were identified. The first theme that surfaced was voluntariness. Although the parties were forced into the mediation process after their landlord had given them an ultimatum, they still positively engaged in the process.
This demonstrates the parties’ willingness to come to a solution that would satisfy their own needs. Another theme that was evident was empowerment. This is seen with the parties actively participating in the dispute, and being allowed to control the outcome.

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