
The Refugees By Viet Thanh Nguyen

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America is the land of freedom and opportunity. It is a place where anyone can take refuge from harm and pursue their own dreams. However, the novel, The Refugees, by Viet Thanh Nguyen, portrays another perspective of being a refugee in the United States. The retelling of him becoming accustomed to America practices indicated that he faced an identity crisis. Specifically, he faces a contentious dilemma concerning how he would strike a balance between seeing himself as a person of Vietnamese heredity or of his American lifestyle. He amplifies the significance of this issue through the inquiry of certain practices of the community, his mixed views about fighting Communism, and his interactions with his family.
Scrutinizing the chapter “War …show more content…

He asked these questions to find out why his mother doesn 't want to join the noble cause. In doing so, Nguyen thoroughly displayed his willingness to help fight the Communists. This passion stemmed from his adoption of American patriotism, which perpetuates the notion that Communism should be eradicated. This patriotism sets the foundations as something for him to become attached to as an American. However, his parents’ views about the fight conflicted with those of Nguyen. His mother objected by saying, “The war’s over” (53). Committed to being a pacifist of the Vietnam War, she showed disinterest towards the cause. His father takes a different stance by saying , “The war may be over ... but paying a little hush money would make our lives a lot easier” (53). Nguyen’s father neither denies nor confirms whether the war is over. However, the fact that he is not fully supporting the cause against Communism meant that his father also disagreed with Nguyen. Seeing his parents’ reluctance towards the war effort caused Nguyen to be outraged. The parents’ pacifist position challenged Nguyen’s dedication to being a patriot. As such, he doubts where he truly stands on this subject matter.
Continuing with the views of Nguyen and his parents, Nguyen’s split identity of being Vietnamese and American is fueled by the way he interacts with his family. The aforementioned disagreement between Nguyen and his parents on fighting the

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