
The Rate Of Discrimination At Work Place With People With Disabilities Essay

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Societal Reaction to disable discrimination – Case studies and rate examined.
The main purpose to write the Research Paper is to review or examined the rate of disability Discrimination including the case studies or societal reaction to the disability discrimination. This Research review the rate of discrimination at work place with people having disabilities. The paper mainly focus on the examination on the rate of Employment disability discrimination. Although It been 20 years Americans with Disabilities Act ( ADA) 1990 was passed which protect the civil right of disable people and prohibit the discrimination against disable people but still people with disabilities are facing discrimination and inequalities during employment or at work place. This paper include the elaboration and examination that how and where in the employment disability discrimination occur. This research shows that how the people they are discriminated on the basis of their disabilities. This research give Special awareness to how the people with disabilities are facing discrimination. Workplace discrimination or employment discrimination is a major type of discrimination which cause a serious impact on the highly qualified workers. This research explain how the disable individual are treated differently in employment in various aspects because of their disability including recruitment , hiring , firing training , bonus , pay , promotions and other employment related activities.

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