
The Ram Psychoanalysis

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A psychoanalytical model of media analysis focuses on the conscious and unconscious processes of social interactions (Berger 69). An individual’s mind can be compared to an iceberg. The visible part of the iceberg, the tip, is what a person is conscious of, while the larger part of the iceberg, which is hidden under the water, is what a person is unconscious of. Sigmund Freud once stated that “what is in your mind is not identical with what you are conscious of, whether something is going on in your mind and whether you hear of it, are two different things” (Berger 70). Freud is saying that we are not always in complete control of our actions. We often do things without knowing the true reason for them since we are highly influenced by unrecognizable …show more content…

He is trying to come to terms with the fact that he is not at the prime wrestling age anymore. He decides to take a job at a supermarket working at the deli counter. In one scene of the film, The Ram is helping customers while his boss is telling him to work faster. The Ram calls out a new number to help the next customer. This male customer recognizes The Ram’s face, but does not remember where he has seen him before. After asking several questions, the customer realizes that The Ram was a wrestler in the 80s. After The Ram denies his identity, the customer states how The Ram looks just like the wrestler he recalls, only older. After this exchange, The Ram gets frustrated and punches his fist into the meat slicer while it is operating. His boss yells to him from across the room to remind him of the customers. The Ram gets angry and starts yelling back to his boss. He quits his job and starting walking out of the store, screaming at customers and knocking down food and various items along the way. In this scene, The Ram could be seen as the id, which is controlled by pure desire and all impulse, while his boss is the superego, which is controlled by morals and our conscience (Berger 78-80). The fact that The Ram got frustrated after the customer recognized him and said he looked old shows that he was dealing with feelings that had been repressed and that he

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