
The Pros And Cons Of Classic Liberalism

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Within today’s society we are commonly faced with the moral question, what seems logically correct vs what seems ethically correct. It is an inquiry that goes hand in hand with if people are born naturally evil, or if that trait itself is developed over time. However, as a whole the overriding debate is not directed towards human nature itself, but rather to what degree should the government really be involved in our economic system in order to create an accommodating society. Over time human nature has drastically evolved to what it is today, but what is still undeniable is that there has, and likely always will be a division among individuals. Those divisions being based upon class structure. The source given states, “Individuals are, by nature, unique and unequal. Efforts by the state to interfere with the lives of individuals will result in a restrictive and inefficient society.” This is a direct link to the perspectives and ideologies presented with the idea of Classic Liberalism. By definition classic liberalism is an ideology that values individual freedoms in the sense of religion, speech, press, etc, as well as supporting limited government involvement economically. This idea has been supported by many in the past, including philosophers such as John Stuart Mill and Adam Smith. The author of the source is clearly a supporter of right wing economics. They believe in individualism over collectivism, and like many philosophers, they also believe that government is only

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