
The Power Of Thought : An Essential Lesson

Decent Essays

The Power of Thought Nearly every English-speaking person has heard the popularized tale of a minute blue railroad car who defies odds of traveling up a particularly difficult hill by chanting a mantra of optimism. The “I think I can” mentality is an essential lesson by which children should abide. It indoctrinates a sense of limitlessness, allowing young persons to set tremendous, seemingly unattainable goals in life. In approaching adulthood, however, one is inevitably struck by a harsh realization: the power of thinking is virtually useless in the real world. A single thought is predestined to nihility unless put to action. Everyone encounters this grasp of reality differently. Some may understand through inadequate sporting abilities in their youth, while others may not comprehend this idea until a job dismissal in late adulthood. My confrontation with the power of thought occurred at the start of my sixth grade year. It was comprised of a single idea: natural intelligence only gets you so far. Most children have been bottle-fed words of adulation towards their intellect as far as back they can remember. Caretakers often believe this instills brilliance within a child; nonetheless, there is a limit on acumen that cannot be altered by phrases of commendation. Ultimately, these adolescents face disappointment when they discover the true capacity of their intelligence. I was one of these children.
During every weekly visit to my grandmother’s house at age four, I would

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