
The Positive Effects Of White Collar Crime And White Collar Crime

Decent Essays

Many people don’t recognize white collar crime as a crime. For some reason, they do not think white Collar crime as illegal. As it is a non-violent crime and have no direct damage to people. Even if white collar crime is non-violent crime, it affects a lot to consumers, corporate, and economy. Nevertheless, unlike its recognition white collar crime deals with the money, white collar crime affect a lot to society. White collar crime are criminal acts that are enacted by people during the course of business committed for their financial profits. White collar crime is known to be committed by business professionals and governors but nowadays, it can be committed by anyone regardless of gender, race, and social status. There are many sort of …show more content…

This kinds of crime can evoke anger, sadness from all ages and gender as it is more devastating and has more direct damage to people, it has more impact to society. Compared to Blue collar crime, White collar crime has no direct damage to people and it often has no visual effects. In fact, White collar crime has more impact to society than Blue collar crime that is, Blue collar crime only affects a family or a small group of people, but White collar crime has a great ripple effect to numerous people, economy and …show more content…

It affects to innocent employees with firing their jobs, and pay less to them. And if white collar crime involves in health care, it makes people’s life vulnerable. Now we all know that white collar crime affects to society enormously and the most important thing is to prevent such crime. Prevention would make people not to lose their jobs, save billion dollars for governments, and investors do not have suffer from lose. Crime affects to society a lot and if the crime is committed by a white collar, its ripple effect would be countless. Not only the government should take an action to make some changes and start preventing white collar crime, companies that have a tremendous impact to society and economy should keep big scandals from

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