
The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas Comparative Essay

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A perfect society cannot happen if there are still people who are greedy and selfish. To compare with The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas by Ursula K. Le Guin, I chose are The Giver by Lois Lowry and The Purge directed by James DeMonaco. Deciding on those two texts were due to how closely related they are to portray a utopian and dystopian society. Although, each story/film used different ways to appeal to certain audiences to express their message. A utopian society is pictured as a paradise, but to reach the paradise, people have to sacrifice their freedom to make a better place. Greed and selfishness are the main reasons to why a utopia cannot exist because, through the greed and selfishness, people learn from their mistakes. Reading The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas, I’ve interpreted that everyone in the town is happy, but someone has to carry the pain for the other to have their happiness. Throughout the short story, Omelas was described as a paradise, but in order for everyone to be happy in the town, an individual’s suffering is needed. It is stated how all their beauty of their city “and the kindly weathers …show more content…

A utopian society is impossible to achieve if there are others that will not always agree to societies rules. Even if everyone were to follow the rules, there is a chance that one person will cause trouble and will soon have other follow that behavior. Altogether, all three texts are narratively similar, by trying to create a perfect community where everyone can be happy. In all, the three stories have reminded me how it relates to me in real-life. The goal in all the stories was to become a utopia, which is similar to the American government because the goal is to make a perfect society but to also be the most powerful country. Ultimately, I acknowledge how there will be at least one person that won’t agree in the societies rules and it can affect others to think about their own

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