
The Odyssey Book 1 Summary

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Book I
The story begins about ten years after the Trojan War, where all of the Greek heroes of the war have returned to their homes, all except Odysseus. It is explained by both Athena and Zeus that Odysseus was punished to be “banished” on a remote island with a nymph/ Goddess named Calypso by Poseidon because of anger caused by Odysseus. Due to Odysseus’s disappearance for many years, many believe that he had died and that someone must wed his wife, Penelope, to continue to rule their kingdom.
With the consent of Zeus, Athena journeys to Ithaca to speak with Telemachus, Odysseus’s and Penelope’s child, by assuming the form of Odysseus’s old friend, Mentes. Athena advices Telemachus to call the suiters of his mother and to announce their banishment from his father’s estate. She also tells him to travel to Pylos and Sparta to ask the kings of the regions for any …show more content…

Telemachus and Mentor then proceed to ask the city’s king, King Nestor, about Odysseus, but responds without information regarding what had occurred to Odysseus after the Trojan War. But, Nestor explains that the last that he had seen him was when two Greek brothers, Agamemnon and Menelaus led the expedition after the fall of Troy. Nester had went with Menelaus, where they had gone straight to Greece immediately, while Agamemnon decided to wait and continue sacrificing on the shores of Troy, which Odysseus had accompanied. Telemachus then asks what had happened to Agamemnon, which Nestor had explained that he was killed caused in a relationship occurring between his wife and a man named Aegusthus, who was described as a coward during battle. After this conversation, Nester sends his son, Pisistratus to accompany Telemachus to Sparta. Lastly, Athena shows her true identity by transforming into an eagle to stay behind and protect Telemachus’ ship and its

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