
The No Child Left Behind Act

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Initiated in 2002, the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) of 2001 intended to prevent the academic failures of educational institutions and individual students, as well as bridge achievement gaps between students. This act supports the basic standards of education reform across America; desiring to improve the learning outcomes of America 's youth. This act was supposed to help the kids with their math, reading and math skills, but it just adds more pressure to the students especially for the children with learning disabilities (LD). The state has the students take the keystone exams which used to be called the PSSA`s. In the article "3 Big Ways No Child Left Behind Failed" it gives 3 reasons why the NCLB act has not worked. The NCLB act has not worked because of the high stakes testing, adequate yearly progress (AYP), and every student proficient by 2014. High-stake testing is because of the NCLB act, making students from third to eighth grade having to take a test every year in math, reading, and writing. The NCLB act was to be taking seriously otherwise, the schools would be punished. If the schools did not do well on this exam, known as keystones they would get less funding, or would have to close their schools. This not only affects the teachers but the students as well. The students with learning disabilities will have a harder time taking the exam and if they could not score proficient on the keystones they would end of in special classes and would not be

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