
The Negative Effects Of Video Games On Child Development

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The media is a platform that gives instant access all over the world and an unlimited amount of resources. It also provides immense opportunities for learning and skill development. However, the media also causes negative impacts on learning, physical health, and development. As the media grows and develops everyday, it constantly draws the public’s attention and concerns in divided opinions.
Bavelier, Eichenbaum, and Green (2014) explained the positive aspects of video games on individuals’ skills and abilities. Video games were found to improve one’s mental capacities that decline with age and promote work skills. Not only did video game players acquire skills, they improved perceptual and cognitive processing such as working memory and abstract reasoning because games enforced players to constantly keep track of many items simultaneously in various levels of perception and cognition. Action video games especially enhanced the players’ vision in contrast sensitivity, crowded acuity, visual selective attention, and multiple object-tracking tasks. Additionally, action gamers showed improved attention in executive functions such as sustained attention block, impulsivity block, dual tasking, and task switching. To take a step further, video games can be applied to real life for medical purposes to help correct vision for those with amblyopia, train visual attention for dyslexic children, and educate children about illnesses.
On the contrary, Chassiakos et al. (2016)

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