
The Negative Analysis Of Animal Cruelty Video By Sarah Mclachlan

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Envision the average American household having a lovely time watching advertisements on the television when suddenly a commercial about animal abuse plays and they hear “Angel” by Sarah McLachlan. It’s the famous commercial that tugged at everyone’s heartstrings back in 2007 (, but the reason for its popularity can be described with the elements of an argument. Indeed, an argument is being made with those sad puppy eyes, and it is one that’s being made to appeal the crying audience. The animal cruelty video by the ASPCA featuring Sarah McLachlan is an example of a successful advertisement for these reasons: it’s use of emotion, logic, and credibility.
The first, and most prominent, reasoning behind the commercial is emotion, or pathos. An argument should include an emotional connection to the audience to make logic and credibility more humanizing. The two-minute video primarily includes clips of previously abused animals, the staff caring for them, and singer Sarah McLachlan talking about how the viewers can help. Reason one that the argument is effective in the use of emotion would be the use of animals. The clips used include dogs, puppies, cats, and kittens whimpering or looking “sad.” These were meant to evoke an emotion to the individuals, and hopefully ignite the compassion needed to donate to ASPCA. It gained popularity from the sadden reactions of people, and for good reason. To quote

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