
Artificial Intelligence In The Terminator

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In the 1984 film “The Terminator” a robotic assassin is sent from the future to kill a woman whose son will play a pivotal role in the upcoming war against the machines. This is simply a fictional story told for the entertainment of millions at the box office, but what if it could offer some insight into the future? Artificial Intelligence is growing rapidly and will be a major threat to humanity once it arrives. Some of the greatest minds of the 21st century, such as Stephen Hawking, think that the world should hold off on creating super intelligent AI until a means of controlling or shutting it down is in place. If the AI concludes that it no longer wants to share a planet with humans, humanity would have no defense. All AI is not …show more content…

Weak AI cannot do such things. Strong AI would not have the same limitation; it would be able to do everything a human can do without needing separate programs for each task and it would do so at a much faster rate. A human infant learns from trial and error. If an infant touches a hot stove its brain remembers that the stove was painful and stores that for future reference so the infant does not continue to touch every hot stove it sees. Until recently computers couldn’t learn and only followed their programing, but in the past decade many companies such as google have developed computers that learn how to play video games through trial and error. The more advanced programs can learn to play several games with similar concepts by using what it learned in one game and applying it to another, such as ping pong and tennis. This is remarkably similar to human infants. Who knows how quickly this could develop from weak AI to strong AI. Once mankind develops general AI it will not need to invent anything else, machines will be better than humans at everything in a matter of hours from being born (Bostrom). Thanks to the internet any AI that is developed and has access to the internet will also have access to the collective knowledge of the entire human race; including data on individuals thanks to social media. Once the AI knows everything humans have ever known it will begin to teach itself things that mankind has not yet learned and improve upon itself until it is the

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