
The Millennial Generation

Decent Essays

Over the years, parents, educators, coaches, and other authority figures have tried to boost children’s self-confidence in school by rewarding them for everything they participate in from school to sports and clubs. Whether it be receiving awards to words of encouragement, today’s Millennial generation is corrupted due to the reception of constant praises from their elders. These “good jobs,” smiley face stickers, and participation certificates created little monsters which turned into the entitled and selfish millennial generation complained about today. Seventy-one percent of American adults think of eighteen to twenty-nine year-olds, Millennials, basically, as "selfish," and 65% of adults think of them as "entitled." That information is according to the latest Reason-Rupe Poll, a quarterly survey of 1,000 representative adult Americans (Nick Gillespie). The older generations who complain about the sense of entitlement and excessive amount of self-esteem do not take into account that many of them played a part in destroying the work ethic of today’s Millennial generation. These praises given to innocent children destroyed the hard-working personality traits associated with success the generations before the Millennials sought to create in their children and grandchildren. People have debated for years whether over-praising children creates a lack of work ethic and drive to succeed. Some say that children need encouragement and words of praise in order to keep from

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