
The Microsoft Programs

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When looking at all the different options that you have on any of the Microsoft programs such as excel, word or power point it seems hard not to get overwhelmed. With all the option and choices that there are. But when breaking them down into ways the similar tabs and control features that they all share, if you can figure out one, you got a greater chance of being able to figure them all out. And after pinpointing the differences and knowing which programs only offer you certain task to help you. You have just made a possibilities superior with being able to navigate through these programs and to make the programs work to help you. Word, Excel and Power point have many features that are the same. If you were to open all three of these programs you would see that they all three have the home tab in their ribbons. All three of these programs have the home tab in the ribbon. The home tab is where you will find the cut, copy and paste features. The cut, copy and paste is a great tool to have, it where you can delete large section rearrange portions of your document and or projects. With these commands you can also use them to copy your document to other places such as the blackboard at CCU. On the home tab you will notice that all three have the control to change your font and color of your font. I pretty sure this would be more helpful to make your presentation pop in PowerPoint but it is available in all three programs. When looking at the insert tab of the

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