
The Message In The Deserted Village By Oliver Goldsmith

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Oliver Goldsmith wrote the poem ‘The Deserted Village’ in protest against the social changes that he witnessed during his travels around England. There are numerous quotes in the poem that encapsulate the message that Goldsmith is trying to put across. The fictional village of Auburn has now become a place ‘where wealth accumulates, and men decay’; this is quite a disturbing image as it is now evident that Auburn is no longer the beautiful and rustic village that it was before the introduction of the Enclosure acts. The quote in question encapsulates the theme and is of extreme importance to ones understanding of the work; it sums up the message and the argument that Goldsmith is trying to put across. Goldsmith is completely condemning the …show more content…

Goldsmith saw many incidents of rustic towns and beautiful countryside being completely destroyed for the benefit of the wealthier community (Rowley 132). These incidents that he was witness to inspired him to write ‘The Deserted Village’ which is an extremely powerful and argumentative poem. The village of Auburn has been ruined by depopulation and the peasants that have been forced out of this small rural village have been left with no other choice but to flee to America in search of a better and more comfortable life. This poem is also based on the arrival of wealthy landlords to England with the intent to gain control of the poorer surrounding areas; it is clear from reading the poem that Goldsmith was not in favour of the social changes that were in occurrence. The social changes that he refers to are the Enclosure acts and indeed the early effects of the industrial revolution. Goldsmith does not like the effects of enclosure on rural life, it is clear that he is passionate about old traditions and does not like when they are altered and replaced by a way of life that is consumed by power and wealth. Goldsmith strongly believes that all the wealthy people in the world are corrupt and this is evident throughout this poem; he thinks the wealthier community are malevolent and that they do not take the poorer people of England into

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