
The Love Of Love

Satisfactory Essays

As the majority of people grow older we begin to see that life is unfair in so many ways. We see that some people have it easier financially while some have it hard, others are born athletic and others aren’t, and some find love early and or easily while some will never find it. When you think about what life is truly about you’ll come to realize the grim truth of life and its true purpose. All in all life is made unfair to force people to change and the changes we choice to make effect so much of the future that we could never begin to comprehend.
In life most people fight for the love that they want. Soldiers die for their love for the countries they come from, criminals kill for the love of their families, and even serial killers kill just for the love of killing. But what about the people in this world that never had any love those of us that love nothing not even ourselves
In my life I have loved and lost they say that it is better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all, but that’s a load of crap. Loving and losing is the most painful thing ever. It feels like someone takes you heart feeds it then when it gets full they take a pin and pop it then step on the pieces. People that say having known love is better than never knowing it have never actually lost it. In life love3 is only temporary and some of the smarter people come to realize there is no point to temporary happiness and in the world we live in these days there is no true happiness because

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