
Reconstruction Pros And Cons

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America has gone though many political changes since its birth as a nation. Many presidents have come and gone, trying to bring about change, thus creating revolutionary moments in this country’s history. These “revolutionary movements” have created lasting impressions on the United States that helped mold the nation that it is today. One such movement was Reconstruction. Reconstruction was a time in America consisting of reuniting the country and pulling it from the economic catastrophe that stemmed from the Civil War. The reconstruction era had dealt with three separate plans: the Lincoln Plan, the Johnson Plan and the congressional Plan. These plans, each with their own unique way of unifying the country and integrating newly freed blacks into American society, came with their pros and cons.
Abraham Lincoln’s Plan
Abraham Lincoln constructed a blueprint to reunite a broken America. Lincoln did not plan on punishing the South; he wanted to end the Civil Wars quick as possible. When Reconstruction began in 1865, a divided America had just finished fighting the Civil War. The objective of Reconstruction, or the Ten-Percent Plan, was mainly to stabilize the South economically. There was the intertwining problem that Lincoln faced reuniting a former slave population and a former rebellious population. The memory of massive death still was very present in the South, causing massive resentment. Lincoln wanted to achieve re-union as quickly as possible and ending slavery. His

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