
The Key Departments Of The Business

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Businesses have numerous key departments which keep the structure running appropriately and supports the business to build and embellish in all worldwide markets. This report will consider what the key departments do for the business, in addition, this report will enlighten the research procedure used and significant complications which have been encountered throughout.
Key departments within businesses
Departments in businesses all partake in important roles, departments such as human resources, accounting and finance, production amongst others remain vital to the company so it can work progressively. However, there are key departments which are desired more than others.

Human resources is considered key within the business, …show more content…

Comparing finance and human resources is a balanced agreement, both departments’ consists with doing dissimilar key functions but equally need to operate functionally so the business can endure growth. Finance is structured to be the heart of the business, in addition, businesses are made for the purpose of profit so it is valuable for employees to analyse existing reports.” Finance touch the nervous system of business body. Because, Share market 's fluctuation, Govt. policies and strategy, Economic changes and other changes in business environment can only analysed with the help of Finance” (Prof. Vinod Kumar,2009)

Various people would think marketing would not be key within businesses, however, businesses require customers so that revenue can be generated and they can branch out to different countries. TV advertisements along with commercials and posters are used by companies so customers can see what they are offering. In addition, countless hours are put into finding target audiences and board meetings where concepts can be formed and distinguished. Marketing has shown to be a key factor in businesses but does not compare with the supremacy that human resources and finance embrace in the organisation.

Production is valued exceedingly within businesses, raw materials need to be created and assembled so that the company can then sell the product to the customer. Production will have its

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