
The Journey in A Good Man Is Hard to Find by Flannery O'Connor

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The Journey in A Good Man Is Hard to Find by Flannery O'Connor

In "A Good Man Is Hard to Find," Flannery O'Connor's character searches for grace and redemption in a world full of sin. Grimshaw states, "each one, nonetheless, is free to choose, free to accept or reject Grace" (6). The Grandmother in "A Good Man is Hard to Find," is on a journey for grace and forgiveness in a world where the redemption she is searching for proves to be hard to find.

The Grandmother often finds herself at odds with the rest of her family. Everyone feels her domineering attitude over her family, even the youngest child knows that she's "afraid she'd miss something she has to go everywhere we go"(Good Man 2). Yet this accusation doesn't seem to phase …show more content…

The grandmother's chance at grace comes at the end of the story when she makes the gesture and reaches out to touch the Misfit. The grandmother finally realizes that "she is responsible" in some way, for the man before her" (Mystery and Manners 110). This is the grandmother's final chance at accepting the grace she has longed to have. Hendin states "each story in 'A Good Man is Hard to Find' embodies a visible sign of invisible grace"(17). Yet these pictures of grace are often hard to find.

McMullen goes on to say: "The good man is hard to find because language and events in the realistic narrative have given us a brutal murder whose meaning we look for in humanistic terms instead of O'Connor's hint of Grace that has its efficacy in a world beyond the constructed one in the story" (10).

O'Connor herself warns us to "be on the lookout for such things as the actions of grace in the Grandmother's soul, and not for the dead bodies" (Mystery and Manners 112).

Eggenschwiler probably expresses Ms. O'Connor's purpose best, "In her stories, grace is most often enlightenment, especially about oneself it is the fulfillment of a character's nature (132). The Grandmother learns more about her own character, through the actions of grace. Eggenschwiller explains the acceptance of grace by the grandmother: "In the end of the story it is not The Misfit,

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