
The Influence Of Texting While Driving

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Is it really important to send that text or check that email while you are driving? Since 2013, texting while driving has been a threat to every driver on the road through the United States. Charles Moore says in “Texting While Driving Is More Dangerous than Driving under the Influence” that texters’ reaction times deteriorate by 35%, and their steering ability decreases by 91%. In 2010, about 4,000 people died from cell phone distraction related crashes. Most of these crashes were related to teens. In 2009 American Life Project published a report that focused on teens and distracted driving. This report showed that 75% of teens own a cell phone, and of those, 34% admit to texting while driving, 48% say they were a passenger of a car when a driver was texting. The use of a cell phone while driving is extremely distracting and dangerous to the person behind the wheel and to everyone else on the road as well. Chris Moore says that “ DWT (Driving While Texting) is three times as dangerous as DUI and should logically be treated as severely, if not more so, both under the law and in terms of social censure.” He also says “Drivers are also 6 times more likely to crash while dialing their mobile phones.” While driving, many adults and …show more content…

No states have yet to ban the use of cell phones while driving but, as of 2012 thirty-two states and the District of Columbia ban cell phone use by all new drivers. Ten states ban talking on a hand-held cell phone. Thirty-nine states and the District of Columbia have enacted texting-while-driving laws that ban texting while driving. Of these, thirty-five states and the District of Columbia make it a primary violation to text while driving. According to Ashley Halsey, a staff writer for the Washington Post says in “Laws against Texting While Driving Are Ineffective” 450,000 people were killed or injured in 2011 due to distracted

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