
The Importance Of Abolishing The Electoral College

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The Electoral College is a process, not a place of schooling. The Electoral College is responsible for electing who will be our next president of the United States by compromising between electing the president by vote and electing the president by popular vote of qualified citizens. The electoral College should be abolished because it is an unfair and unnecessary way to choose the president. Each candidate earns points by winning individual states. Each state is worth a different amount of points based on population, added with the number of senators. There are 538 electors within the college. People are finding it a challenge to decide if the Electoral College should be changed or abolished. If it were up to me, it would be abolished, because if the president wins the popular vote, they get the majority of the citizens votes. This system is unfair because each state has a different number population, so each has a different amount of points. When I am eligible to vote, I want to be able to vote for who I want, the majority of my state’s population should not be able to decide. The Electoral College may be …show more content…

The electoral College should be abolished because it is an unfair and unnecessary way to choose the president. In Document 1, Alexander Hamilton says, and I quote, “...the immediate election should be made by men most capable of analyzing the qualities adapted to the station… and to a judicious combination of all the reasons and inducements which were proper to govern their choice.” We as citizens of America are the ones who will have to live under the ruling of the President so we should be able to vote based on who we admire most, not based on who the majority of our state does. We live freely and our votes need to be known and not restricted based on where we live and the borders that surround us. The Electoral College must be

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