
The Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald

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Nick Carraway’s personality is slowly revealed itself throughout the novel, The Great Gatsby. This occurs through certain events throughout his journey, if you will, and how he is influenced when he befriends Jay Gatsby: a wealthy young man who lives in a mansion next door to Nick in West Egg. Nick is both a character in the novel and the narrator. He is usually behind the scenes during confrontations between other characters, yet he is the one who brings these characters together through multiple occurrences. For example, when Jay Gatsby and Daisy Buchanan meet for the first time, in Nicks house, after Gatsby returns to win her heart back. A term to describe him as a narrator is a “peripheral narrator”. He is like an outsider, who isn’t irrelevant or the center of attention. He also prefers to “reserve all judgments” (Fitzgerald 1), as he says in the first page of chapter one. This is because he likes to listen to the stories of the characters he meets, and since he refrains from judging before knowing the person, it allows him to judge accordingly to the characters and their stories. This allows Nick to adapt to his surroundings and act accordingly since he is almost like a foreign since he is new to living life in New York City.
Nick comes off as a character who is much more distant as well as more practical and down to earth than the other characters. Early on in the novel, the reader knows that he/she can trust Nick as a narrator because of his first impression. Trust

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