
The Global Achievement Gap, By Richard Wagner

Decent Essays

Tony Wagner’s book, The Global Achievement Gap In 2008, provided a wakeup call to educationalists, especially in the US. A Harvard education professor, Wagner’s view is that schools should be turning out adolescents who are ‘jury ready’. By that, he means able to reason their way through conflicting arguments, weigh evidence, detect bias and come to an well-versed ending. His informed conclusion is that secondary education – at least in the US – is failing sadly. It sort out this matter, he mentions that the education system needs serious transformation and a step back from preparing students to pass standard tests and must be training oriented in seven skills which in return will prepare them for today’s fast-paced global knowledge economy. Critical thinking and problem solving is the first skill he recommends as ‘No Child Left Behind’ act in the States, the pressure on teachers is to prepare students to take multiple-choice type tests, test strategies and …show more content…

By focusing on the mental processes students need – on the journey, rather than the result, the skill rather than the content –as the world continues to develop at a faster and faster rate he believed that future graduates would have the skills we will need. While the book for its new approach is praised by educators and parents worldwide and its open disapproval of a test-based educational culture, little, if anything has changed.
Complete the sentences below. Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer. 1 it is concluded by Wagner's book that the education system in the US required.............................................. .
2. Students need to reveal both ............................................................... and the ability to join forces.
3. The ................................................................. in schools no longer depicts the model in today's

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