
The Gilded Age, And The Gilded Age

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In science, we have been taught that for every action there is a reaction. However, this can also be applied to history. For example, after the French and Indian War, Britain had enforced the navigation laws and taxes in order to pay for the war debt. This had caused a huge reaction from the colonies from as simple as boycotting British goods all the way to declaring their independence in 1776. Individuals can also help bring forth these dramatic changes such as Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King Jr. who help fought for civil rights. Thus, throughout the United States history, the nation has gone through a variety of changes. Although presidents have played a significant role in the nation’s changes, many individuals have also brought changes to the nation's economy, government, and society. In addition to heroes like Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King Jr, another individual includes Upton Sinclair and his contribution to consumer protection. The Gilded Age, a phrase coined by Mark Twain, was used to describe the government and its corruption. Like its name, the nation looked glamorous from the outside, but was full of corruption and political scandals on the inside such as the Credit Mobilier scandal and Boss Tweed scandal. Government at this time did little to help the nation, for its own congressmen were involved in the mix of these corruptions. The government supported laissez-faire, which believed that the government should not regulate business and Social Darwinism - “survival of the fittest.” As a result, this had led to the suppression of individual rights, for there were no laws to limit the power of monopolies. Therefore, the Gilded Age became known as corrupt, for the government had favored big businesses and focused less on the working class. However, this would all change during the Progressive Era.
In contrast of the Gilded Age, the Progressive Era was a response to the problems that were created by the Gilded Age. Unlike the Gilded Age, the Progressive Era did not support laissez-faire and rejected the idea of Social Darwinism. Thus in 1901, Theodore Roosevelt was elected president and came into office with his Square Deal policy. Included in this policy were Roosevelt’s three C’s - control

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