
The Fall of the Inca Empire Essay example

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The Inca Empire, the massive nation that extended 2,500 miles along the western coast of South America and had a population of over 7 million at its peak. It included all of what is now Ecuador and Peru and most of Chile. Known as “The Children of the Sun”, they excelled at craftsmanship, weaving, and culture (“Children of the Sun”). A very religious people, they worshiped the Sun as their supreme god and held religious festivals monthly to appease these gods. Although they did not value it aside from its beautiful appearance, the Inca Empire was home to millions of pounds of solid gold and silver. The Inca had no use for it except to use it to craft decorations and statues. In fact, an Inca citizen valued cloth more than they valued gold …show more content…

With them, they brought the lethal disease smallpox over from Europe. Smallpox had been spreading south towards the Inca, and in 1524, it reached the Inca capital of Cuzco. The aging Inca emperor Huayna Capac caught a very serious case of it and died in 1525 (Somervill 8). On his death bed, Huayna Capac appointed his heir. He chose his first son, Ninan Cuyochi to rule as emperor. However, he included one condition: if a high priest saw deathly omens for Ninan, a replacement should be picked. Sure enough, a high priest of did recognize deathly omens for Ninan Cuyochi, and only weeks later, he died of smallpox, just as his father did. With Ninan’s death, an impending problem arose - who would become emperor? Huyana Capac had not specified who would take Ninan’s place in the event he died. So, his three remaining sons were all candidates for the throne. Huyana’s second oldest son, Huascar, claimed the throne before his two other brothers, and therefore was crowned emperor. The two remaining brothers, Atahualpa and Manco Inca, were content to remain governors and did not challenge Huascar. However, Huascar, fearing they would conspire against him, demanded Atahualpa come to Cuzco and speak with him. As Nigel Davies put it, “Atahualpa was commanded to present himself in Cuzco and warned that if he failed to obey…an army would be sent to fetch him” (182). Now

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