
The Failion Of Society In The Fahrenheit 451

Decent Essays

We are living the Fahrenheit
Fahrenheit 451 shows a society very similar to ours today. Much the same as revealed in the Fahrenheit, we live in a society that is impatient, disconnected from reality and desires satisfaction from materialistic objects. We live in a world where people seek the easy way out of problems. People lose their identities focusing too much on themselves and chasing after physical possessions. People have a physical and emotional side but the people in our society neglects its emotional side. People now get their happiness from physical objects and seek fulfilment from self involvement, they ignore the other side of life and the beauty that it holds. We love ourselves so much that we focus only on ourselves, our wants, needs, and desires that we end up losing patience and neglecting each other.
The Fahrenheit reveals technology as an enemy of society. In the first part of the book during her conversation with Montag, Clarisse mentions how everything's a blur to people. They have a need to rush through everything in life. She talks about her uncle who once got jailed for driving at forty miles per hour, which in this society is considered too slow a speed. People have grown so impatient towards everything, they don’t realize the things that they are missing out on many beauties while rushing through life. With the advancement of technology people have become even more impatient. They have the same expectations for people as they do technology. The

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