
The Ethical Considerations Of Ethics

Decent Essays

Ethical Considerations
Ethics is one of the most important considerations when making a decision about end of life. It is also where the most controversy lies as arguments, using ethical theories, can be made for and against laws on end of life. “Ethics has at least two primary functions: to guide our actions, and to provide justification for the guidance given” (Schuklenk et al., 2011, p. 42). A duty-oriented ethicist would be against euthanasia and physician assisted death. They believe “we can’t stop all pain; what is crucial is that we act with dignity and respect in the face of suffering” (Edge & Groves, 2006, p.40). “Kant’s view is a person committing suicide takes the easy way out, where reason would dictate he or she face their problems” (Schuklenk et al., 2011, p.38). Virtue ethicists would also be against euthanasia and physician assisted death. Virtue ethicists hold “it is not only important to do the right thing but equally to have the right disposition, motivation, and traits for being good and doing right” (Edge & Groves, 2006, p.43). As a believer in God, a virtue ethicist would hold suicide as an unreasonable option. They would believe God to be the “sole arbiter of life and death” (Schuklenk et al., 2011, p.42) and therefore, the right thing to do would be for God to end their life as he sees fit.
Contrary to these points is the belief in the protection of individual autonomy. Autonomy, as defined by Edge & Groves (2006), is the freedom to choose

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